Friday, November 03, 2006

Semester Update...

God continues to give the increase as we go and make disciples in Madison. Not only have we been blessed to see people saved, but it has strengthened my own faith to see the ongoing work of discipleship taking place. In a recent discipling conversation, I was going through Acts 4 and John 14 with two foreign exchange students from Korea. 8 weeks ago, one was a professing atheist. After explaining that Jesus was the only way to the Father, I asked them to make a choice. I said, "Either Jesus is speaking the truth and He is the only way or He is lying and is not the only way. What do you believe?" One of them looked across the table at me and said, "I believe the Jesus!" I am not sure yet if he is saved, but God is clearly at work in his life!

We look forward to...

Hot chocolate night where we will add some warm drink to our witnessing!

Christmas caroling where we will go from house to house singing and distributing tracts, New Testaments, and Candy Canes!

Pray for us...

1. Those being discipled.
2. Drivers for Friday nights.
3. Our faithfulness in the colder months.
4. And of course, that God would continue to work in showing us His power!